School Supply Lists for 2023-24

The supply lists for the 2023-24 school year at Weedsport Elementary are below. Scroll down to see each grade.

Pre-Kindergarten supplies

A pre-school rest mat and blanket will be provided for your child. When your child enters pre-kindergarten in September, it would be very helpful if they had the following supplies:

Please label ALL supplies with your child’s name – thank you!

  1.  A paint smock (Parent/Guardian’s old t-shirt is fine!)
  2. A gallon size baggie filled with one change of clothes – all clothes should be labeled please (underwear too, in case of an accident)
  3. One small plush stuffed animal to rest with

The following supplies do NOT need to be labeled – thank you!

  1. Four (4) – 4 ounce bottle of Elmer’s glue (Glue All works best…won’t clog)
  2. Four (4) 24-count boxes of Crayola crayons (best kid friendly crayon…won’t break as easily. Please NO jumbo crayons)
  3. Two (2) glue sticks
  4. Three (3) containers of baby wipes (so we can clean up our own spills)
  5. One (1) roll of paper towels
  6. One (1) container of Clorox wipes
  7. One (1) box Crayola fat markers

Kindergarten supplies

When your child enters KINDERGARTEN in September, it would be very helpful if they had the following supplies:

Please LABEL the following supplies with your child’s name – thank you!

  1. A shirt for painting (A grown-up’s  old t-shirt is fine!)
  2. A pair of child’s scissors (Fiskars)
  3. One (1) plastic supply box (approximately 8″ x 6″)
  4. One (1) water bottle with flip up straw (NO Snackeez water bottles please!)
  5. Ten (10) sharpened Ticonderoga pencils (these are pencil sharpener friendly!)
  6. Four (4) bottles of Elmer’s Glue All (4 oz.) – Glue All works best….won’t clog!
  7. Two (2) boxes of tissues
  8. Four (4) boxes of Crayola crayons (24 count)
  9. Eight (8) glue sticks
  10. One (1) box of Ziploc bags – Boys (gallon), Girls (quart)
  11. One (1) pair of child size headphones (please no earbuds or bluetooths!) that can be found at 5 Below
  12. One (1) box Classic Crayola Markers
  13. One (1) box of 12 BLACK SKINNY EXPO markers
  14. One (1) package of baby wipes (not Clorox wipes)
  15. One (1) 1″ binder (any color of your choice)

    First grade supplies

    When your child enters FIRST GRADE in September, it would be very helpful if they had the following supplies:

    1. A box of tissues
    2. One (1) small pair of Fiskars scissors
    3. Four (4) heavy duty pocket folders (pockets at bottom of folder) – one red, one green, one blue, one any color/design
    4. Twenty (20) sharpened Ticonderoga #2 YELLOW pencils (These pencils are pencil-sharpener friendly)
    5. One (1) small plastic supply box – no fabric supply pouches, please (large ones do not fit in the desk)
    6. Two (2) boxes of Crayola crayons (no more than the 24 pack, please)
    7. One (1) bottle of Elmer’s white glue (no gel, please)
    8. Ten (10) Elmer’s glue sticks
    9. Two (2) packages of low odor BLACK Expo dry erase markers (at least four in
    10. One (1) package of colored pencils
    11. One (1) box of LARGE Ziploc bags (Girls only)
    12. One (1) box of SMALL Ziploc bags (Boys only)
    13. One (1) package washable Crayola markers
    14. One (1) pair of headphones (these can be found at Dollar Store or Five Below)
    15. One (1) one-inch (1″) three-ring binder

    Please label all supplies! Please unpackage and label scissors and headphones. Label the outside of the package for everything else!

    Second grade supplies

    When your child enters SECOND GRADE in September, it would be very helpful if they had the following supplies:

    Please LABEL EVERYTHING with their first name and last initial (except pencils). Please use a black Sharpie to label before your child starts second grade.

    1. One (1) box of colored pencils (12 pre-sharpened pencils)
    2. One (1) pair of small pointed Fiskar scissors
    3. Four (4) boxes of 24 count crayons
    4. Six (6) Elmer’s glue sticks (not colored, please)
    5. Four (4) regular pink erasers (not pencil tip erasers)
    6. Two (2) pocket folders – SOLID COLORS OF RED AND BLUE ONLY
    7. Twenty-four (24) #2 Ticonderoga sharpened pencils (they sharpen the best and last the longest)
    8. One (1) LARGE box of Kleenex (we will ask to replenish stock if needed throughout the year)
    9. One (1) PLASTIC school supply box
    10. One (1) ruler with both centimeters and inches (please NO metal rulers)
    11. One (1) package of four (4) Expo THIN black fine tip low odor dry erase markers
    12. One (1) bottle of Elmer’s glue
    13. One (1) pair of headphones / ear buds
    14. One (1) box of bandaids
    15. One (1) water bottle (plastic preferred)

    Third grade supplies

    When your child enters THIRD GRADE in September, it would be very helpful if they had the following supplies:

    1. Thirty-six (36) No. 2 pencils – No pens or mechanical pencils, please!
    2. Small scissors
    3. Box of crayons (at least 8)
    4.  Glue sticks (at least 4)
    5. 12” ruler that also shows centimeter measuring (one that does not bend easily)
    6. Two (2) large boxes of Kleenex (without lotion)
    7. Five (5) durable pocket folders (blue, red, green, purple, orange)
    8. One (1) recipe box (3 x 5) – NOT THE BUTTON CASE TYPE, BUT THE RECIPE BOX STYLE TYPE
    9. A highlighter
    10. A red pen
    11. One (1) package of colored pencils (12 in a pack)
    12. Fifteen (15) low odor dry erase markers
    13. Soft zipper-style pencil case. No boxes please! (They do not fit into desks.)
    14. Three (3) packages of baby wipes
    15. Two (2) pairs of earbuds with cords

    *Please put your child’s initials on ALL supplies. To begin the year, please unwrap some starter supplies for your child’s pencil case.

    Fourth grade supplies

    When your child enters FOURTH GRADE in September, it would be very helpful if they had the following supplies due to the possibility that sharing supplies may not be allowed:

    1. Scissors
    2. Colored pencils
    3. Yellow #2 pencils (Please do not send in mechanical, plastic or paper coated.)
    4. Non-toxic glue or glue stick
    5. Metric ruler (sturdy wood or plastic ruler, not bendable ones, as they break too easily)
    6. Seven (7) pocket folders – for each subject, morning work, and spelling (blue, red, green, purple, orange, yellow, black)
    7. Pencil top erasers
    8. One (1) package of loose leaf notebook paper – wide-ruled
    9. Two (2) boxes of tissues
    10. One (1) box of highlighters
    11. One (1) box of dry erase markers
    12.  One (1) pair of earbud headphones from the Dollar Store or Five Below (used daily)
    13. One (1) bottle of hand sanitizer

    Because of limited desk space, we find it very difficult if the children have two or three subject notebooks, so we request that you not get the large ones. No binders please. Also, because of our lunch time, we do take 10-15 minutes each afternoon for a snack. We are sure your child would appreciate it if he/she had healthy one. This will start on the first day of school.

    Thank you, and we look forward to a great year working with your student(s)! 

    Grade 4 Team

    Fifth grade supplies

    When your child enters fifth grade in September, it would be very helpful if they had the following supplies:

    1.  Due to the size of our desks, absolutely NO TRAPPERKEEPERS . They will be sent home.
    2. Three (3) boxes of TICONDEROGA #2 YELLOW PENCILS
    3. Ruler with centimeters and inches
    4. One (1) pair of sturdy scissors
    5.  Four (4) glue sticks
    6. One (1) box of 24 colored pencils
    7.  One (1) Mead composition notebook
    8. Three (3) spiral notebooks (blue for math, red for social studies, green for science)
    9. Four (4) two-pocket sturdy folders (blue for math, red for social studies, green for science, black for ELA)
    10. Highlighter
    11.  Two (2) boxes of Kleenex tissues
    12. Cap erasers for pencils
    13.  One (1) package large post-its (any color)
    14. One (1) pair of earbuds or headphones
    15. Two (2) packages of black, Expo dry erase markers (4 in a pack)
    16.  Small hand held pencil sharpener
    17. Zippered pencil pouch (not plastic box)

    Sixth grade supplies

    The following supplies will be required for SIXTH GRADE students. You should have them with you on the first day of class in September.

    All 6th Grade Classes

    1. Supply bag (please no boxes, zipper bags work best) – OPTIONAL
    2. Four (4) packages of pencils
    3. One (1) package of colored pencils – any number set
    4. One (1) pair of sturdy scissors
    5. Two (2) boxes of tissues
    6. One (1) package of highlighters
    7. Four (4) two pocket folders – one red, one green, one blue, one black
    8. Two (2) Elmer’s glue sticks
    9. Two (2) Five Star spiral one (1) subject notebooks (8½ x 11) – one red, one green
    10. Earbuds
    11. Stylus pen for touch screen (optional)
    12. Two (2) 1 ½” three ring binders – include binder divider tabs
    13. One (1) package of loose leaf paper for binder
    14. One (1) package of post-it notes – medium size, any color
    15. One (1) package of index cards
    16. One (1) Texas Instruments Scientific Calculator TI-30X IIS (about $15)

      Supplies will need replenishing during the year. Please purchase extra to allow replacement of supplies as necessary.