Weedsport voters approve $1.81 million capital project

On Tuesday, December 13th, Weedsport residents voted to approve the district’s $1.8 million capital project proposal, with 182 yes votes, and 24 no votes.

“Thank you to the Weedsport community for continuing to support our students, and the district’s vision for the future of our schools,” said Superintendent Shaun O’Connor.

The project will improve health and safety for students and staff by replacing aging infrastructure in both school district buildings.

At the Weedsport Elementary School, approximately $1 million will go toward replacing windows across the building. The elevator will also be reconditioned, as it is nearing the end of its lifecycle, having been in use since 1993.

At the Weedsport Jr.-Sr. High School, necessary upgrades will be made to the gymnasium. The aging bleachers will be replaced with a safer, accessible model. Safety padding around the exterior of the gymnasium will be redone, a dropdown curtain will take the place of the current dividing wall, and the gymnasium floor will be refinished.