Weedsport BOE president recognized for 25 years of service

Board of Education president Norman Chirco stands with an award. The New York State School Boards Association recently recognized Weedsport Board of Education president Norman Chirco for 25 years of service.

Chirco has been a general practice attorney for more than 30 years and has also served on the Zoning Board of Appeals for Weedsport. In 2012, the Cayuga-Onondaga School Boards Association (COSBA) honored him with an outstanding school board member award. He was called “a role model for all” because of his leadership skills and positive outlook.

“Mr. Chirco has been an instrumental part of this education community for a quarter of a century and continues to provide wonderful leadership for Weedsport,” said superintendent Shaun O’Connor.

“His dedication to volunteerism and to the Weedsport community is worthy of recognition. We are fortunate to have him.”

Chirco’s seat on the board is up for re-election in May. If he runs and is elected to another 5-year-term, he would become the longest sitting board member in Weedsport history.