In our latest edition of exciting summer news, we would like to highlight two students for their accomplishments in auditioning for roles in Rev Theatre’s upcoming production of “State Fair.” Incoming 6th grade students Lucy Hopkins and Callie Cook both auditioned for parts in “State Fair – the Musical” and both received callback auditions!
“I am so proud of them getting a callback in their first professional theatre audition,” said Weedsport Elementary Music Teacher Mary Buchmann.
Lucy’s mom, Jacqueline Hopkins, said for the first round of auditions, the girls recorded a scene on camera. When they were called back, the director was in the room to assess their performance. She said it was exciting for both girls to experience and learn from.

“There is a huge group of resources and a community of music locally for students to build their skills to take back to school and beyond,” Hopkins explained.
A group of students also just completed a weeklong Summer Art Camp at Weedsport Elementary. Mrs. Beerman and Mrs. Fancher introduced students to various mediums and techniques as they completed projects throughout the week. See highlights from the week below!
As we look ahead to the start of the school year, parents and guardians should be aware that the District will be using a new communication tool that will replace all other platforms, including directly texting teachers and staff members. ParentSquare will allow communication at the District, School and Classroom levels, and will help us simplify our school-to-home communication. Be on the lookout for more information in the month of August.