Cayuga County construction project to benefit Jr.-Sr. High School

The Weedsport Jr.-Sr. High School entryway will be getting a facelift as a Cayuga County construction project gets underway in the village. The school district will benefit from the reconstruction of sidewalks that will start in the village and lead all the way to the high school. Sidewalks will also be added on the opposite side of the driveway, continuing to the Erie Canal path, which will be instrumental for our sports teams as students use the path for training purposes.Weedsport Jr.-Sr. High School entryway and sidewalks to be redone by Cayuga County

The sidewalks coming into the Jr.-Sr. High School will not only be replaced but rerouted to better protect students who walk to school. All sidewalks will also be ADA compliant. Along with the reconstructed sidewalks, the crosswalk will be repainted, and new signs will be added. The base of the Jr.-Sr. High School driveway will also be repaved.

As with any roadway construction, drivers can expect delays in traffic at times while the project is underway. There will be days when only one lane of traffic will lead into the village of Weedsport, and student drop-off may take a couple extra minutes.

While work is underway, students will still be able to walk to school. Construction crews will make appropriate accommodations to ensure pedestrians have a safe place to walk while portions of the sidewalks are being worked on. Work will continue throughout the summer and is anticipated to be finished by the start of next school year.